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Enhancing Your Recovery with Digital Dynamometry: Introducing the Vald DynaMo Plus
When it comes to restoring strength and function after an injury or surgery, accurate and objective measurements of muscle performance can make all the difference. At Motus, we are excited to introduce you to a breakthrough technology that is transforming how we assess and enhance your rehabilitation journey: the Vald DynaMo Plus. The DynaMo is a state-of-the-art digital handheld dynamometer [...]
The Joint-by-Joint Approach to Physiotherapy: Understanding Knee Pain
When it comes to treating musculoskeletal issues, particularly knee pain, the Joint-by-Joint Approach offers a valuable framework for our team of physiotherapists. Developed by physical therapist Gray Cook and Strength Coach Mike Boyle, this model suggests that the human body functions optimally when each joint is healthy and moves well in its specific range of motion. This post will explore [...]
Recovery Techniques for Running: Key Concepts can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: RVM Virtual Speaker Series: Maximizing Recovery Without Breaking the Bank, with Trevor Millar ( Recovery is an often-hyped aspect of running performance, focusing on repairing, rebuilding, and strengthening the body after physical exertion – but are the current recovery trends actually useful? In this webinar for the Royal Victoria Marathon Virtual Speaker [...]